
Diocese of

Hexham and Newcastle

Bishop Robert Byrne CO

Lay Training Fund

The Lay Training Fund (LTF) is for all areas of adult formation and education which are not normally provided as part of parish life. The suitability of an application will be assessed by the Lay Training Fund Committee which is made of the Episcopal Vicar for Faith & Mission, lay coordinator for Faith & Mission, a clergy expert in formation, a member of the Finance team and a lay representative, normally the chair of the lay Pastoral council.

Whether we work in the Diocese or in the wider world, whether we are involved in parish life in catechesis, liturgy or other ministries, we need to understand our Faith and we need to know what the Church teaches, and be able to discern our calling, so that we can live out our vocation and mission and thus witness to the faith we have, in response to the changing needs of the Church within society. The Lay Training Fund is available to support this vision.

For further information, please email

Lay Training Fund Guidelines

Lay Training Fund Guidelines (pdfword).

Lay Training Fund Application

Lay Training Fund Application (pdfword).